Mines ACM

Mines ACM is the largest Computer Science club at Mines and strives to provide meaningful career opportunities and CS experiences to students.

We host weekly tech talks from recognized industry professionals, project meetings with diverse and interesting projects, skill workshops, and more.

Mines ACM is an official student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery and is an official club of CS@Mines.

To join Mines ACM, simply show up to our meetings every Tuesday at 6:00pm. Join our Discord and mailing list for weekly meeting details and to stay in touch with our community.

No upcoming meetings right now, check back soon!
We don't just code, we have fun events as well such as this hike up South Table.

We don't just code, we have fun events as well such as this hike up South Table.

Upcoming Meetings

No upcoming meetings! Check back soon for more.

View our full schedule here.

Our Events

Tech Talks

Tech talks are hour long talks from industry professionals, often CS@Mines alum. We've hosted representatives from Google, Chevron, Cloudflare, and more.

Project Meetings

Project meetings are a great and low-pressure way to learn new skills and collaborate with others outside of school on a variety of projects.


Workshops are another way Mines ACM provides students with opportunities to learn industry skills. We regularly host our Git Workshop, with seasonal workshops such as web and even Minecraft development also happening!

and so much more!