Upcoming Meetings

Sync our calendar with yours! (Instructions)

Previous Meetings

Test Meeting

Description: This is just a test meeting for the website!! Not real!! Do not come!!

Date: Sat Jun 01 2024 12:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: N/A

Project Demo Day

Description: Come and demo any projects (personal, work, Mines, ACM) that you've been working on! Please ask Ethan if you plan on presenting. This is our final meeting of the semester.

Date: Tue Apr 23 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Salesforce Tech Talk

Description: Stop by to hear from Peter Laird from Salesforce to learn more about monoliths, microservices and more!

Date: Tue Apr 16 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Berthoud 206

Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on the many projects we have to offer at ACM or simply hang out and discuss things with CS people!

Date: Tue Apr 09 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on the many projects we have to offer at ACM or simply hang out and discuss things with CS people!

Date: Tue Apr 02 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Parsons Tech Talk

Description: Stephen Thomas (Vice President & Chief Scientist of Digital Engineering) and Brian Ngac from C-MAPP Partner Parsons will be giving a talk on Digital Engineering and Digital Twins.

Date: Tue Mar 26 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Officer Elections + Club Meeting

Description: Come and vote on ACM's next officer team, and then have time to work on projects afterwards! Please fill out this form if you're interested in applying: http://forms.gle/XUYVCbutAsS8rdw88

Date: Tue Mar 12 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Docker Workshop

Description: Come and learn about Docker, containerization theory, and more!

Date: Tue Mar 05 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Study Night & Laptop Decorating (ACM-W)

Description: Invite some friends from your classes and come hang out and get some studying/homework done as we get through a busy midterm season!

Date: Mon Mar 04 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 322

Club Meeting + Transamerica Sponsor

Description: Next Tuesday, 2/27 from 6-7pm in Marquez 126, we’ll be hosting our first Club Meeting of the semester. Come and see the projects that ACM members are working on and interact with all of our amazing CS people. C-MAPP partner Transamerica will also be sponsoring this meeting; come and network with them!

Date: Tue Feb 27 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126

Credera Tech Talk (ACM-W)

Description: Credera employees will be giving a talk titled “From Computer Science to Software Engineering: Lessons Learned From A Year In Industry”. In this talk, CS@Mines Alumni and Credera Technology Consultants Colin Siles and Meg Kearns will discuss the lessons they've learned in the transition from studying Computer Science to working as full-time Software Engineers. Join us to learn how you'll apply the skills you've been learning in school, what skills you can anticipate learning in industry, and the mindset shifts you'll need to be successful in making the transition. The meeting will take place in Marquez 322 from 6-7pm on Monday 2/26. Please fill out this rsvp form so we can get a headcount for food: https://forms.office.com/r/Kmik9Z6DYa

Date: Mon Feb 26 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 335

Coding Challenges + Interviews Workshop

Description: We’ll be hosting Luke Henke (Mines alum + Software Engineer) who will be giving a Coding Challenges Workshop. If you need help prepping for interviews, software engineering roles, or are just interested in coding challenges, stop by for some expert tips!

Date: Tue Feb 13 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126 (MZ126)

ICR Tech Talk

Description: ICR will be giving a talk on Data Weaponization & The Use of Modern Technologies!

Date: Tue Feb 06 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 126 (MZ126)

Hackathon Prep Workshop + SwRI Sponsor

Description: Tyler will be giving a talk on preparing for hackathons, and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) will also be around if you want to network with them.

Date: Tue Jan 30 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Petroleum Hall, Green Center (GC PET)

Gogo Tech Talk

Description: C-MAPP partner Gogo Business Aviation will be giving a tech talk on both what software tools Gogo uses, as well as a talk called “How Learning To Ski Made Me A Better Developer”!

Date: Tue Jan 23 2024 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Petroleum Hall, Green Center (GC PET)

Project Demo Day

Description: Come and show off any projects you've been working on or just listen to the cool projects everyone has been working on this semester! :)

Date: Tue Nov 28 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Cloudflare Tech Talk: Keeping Port 22 Safe (Proxies)

Description: Are you interested in learning more about proxies? Stop by to hear from Sam Warfield, Systems Engineer from Cloudfare as he talks about proxies, and how you can use some to avoiding opening 22 up to the wild internet!

Date: Tue Nov 21 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on the many projects we have to offer at ACM or simply hang out and discuss things with CS people!

Date: Tue Nov 14 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Tech Startup Crash Course (Datava)

Description: David and Gordon Flammer from Datava will be talking about tech startups: why start one, how to start one, and what working for one is like! This is a recruiting event! Datava are interested in recruiting Mines students for summer and spring '24 internships.

Date: Tue Nov 07 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Chill Meeting

Description: Happy Halloween! We'll be having a very relaxed meeting. :)

Date: Tue Oct 31 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on the many projects we have to offer at ACM or simply hang out and discuss things with CS people!

Date: Tue Oct 24 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Tech Talk: Exploring Industries

Description: Hear from Mines Alum, Tiffany Kalin, about the pros and cons of working in various industries! Come learn about working for: large big name companies, small startups, midsize tech firms, defense contractors, and more!

Date: Tue Oct 10 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on the many projects we have to offer at ACM or simply hang out and discuss things with CS people!

Date: Tue Oct 03 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Git Workshop

Description: Adjunct Professor Sumner Evans will be giving a talk on all things Git, a version control system that you'll see all throughout your classes and in industry! Come learn how to use Git, GitHub, what the difference between the two is, commits, push/pull operations, and lots of other magic git commands and tricks!

Date: Tue Sep 26 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 108 (MZ108)

Minecraft Modding Workshop

Description: Ethan Richards will be hosting a workshop on Modding Minecraft with Java! Come learn how to add a new item or block into the game. No prior knowledge of Java or Minecraft is required.

Date: Tue Sep 19 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 326 (MZ326)

Chill Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on projects or just hang out after career day!

Date: Tue Sep 12 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 326 (MZ326)

Chill Club Meeting

Description: Come and work on projects or just hang out after career day!

Date: Tue Sep 12 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 326 (MZ326)

Resume Workshop

Description: ACM and Credera are hosting a resume & career prep workshop! Come get your resume reviewed by software engineering industry professionals and alumni.

Date: Wed Sep 06 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek 150 (CK150)

Resume Workshop

Description: ACM and Credera are hosting a resume & career prep workshop! Come get your resume reviewed by software engineering industry professionals and alumni.

Date: Wed Sep 06 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek 150 (CK150)

Club Meeting & Project Intro Day

Description: Our first club meeting of the semester is next Tuesday, September 5th, at 6:00pm in MZ326! During our club meetings, we will introduce projects that ACM members are working on, have show-and-tell time for any cool things people are working on, and just general time to hang out and discuss anything! No prior experience is required! Feel free to come and just meet our ACM members.

Date: Tue Sep 05 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 326 (MZ326)

Club Meeting & Project Intro Day

Description: Our first club meeting of the semester is next Tuesday, September 5th, at 6:00pm in MZ326! During our club meetings, we will introduce projects that ACM members are working on, have show-and-tell time for any cool things people are working on, and just general time to hang out and discuss anything! No prior experience is required! Feel free to come and just meet our ACM members.

Date: Tue Sep 05 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall 326 (MZ326)

South Table Hike

Description: Come join us for our yearly hike up South Table (weather permitting)!

Date: Sat Sep 02 2023 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Mahir Jalili Plaza (CTLM Plaza)

South Table Hike

Description: Come join us for our yearly hike up South Table (weather permitting)!

Date: Sat Sep 02 2023 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Mahir Jalili Plaza (CTLM Plaza)

CS Clubs Social

Description: Stop by to meet CS at Mines students and learn more about the CS at Mines clubs (ACM, ACM-W, LUG, Robotics, OreSec, Game Development, & CPM)!

Date: Thu Aug 31 2023 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Friedhoff Hall, Green Center

CS Clubs Social

Description: Stop by to meet CS at Mines students and learn more about the CS at Mines clubs (ACM, ACM-W, LUG, Robotics, OreSec, Game Development, & CPM)!

Date: Thu Aug 31 2023 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Friedhoff Hall, Green Center

Google Tech Talk: How Code Becomes Software

Description: Stop by to hear from Google engineer Paul Christopher about software industry topics like code reviews, cloud services, AI, & more!

Date: Tue Aug 29 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Petroleum Hall, Green Center (GC PET)

Google Tech Talk: How Code Becomes Software

Description: Stop by to hear from Google engineer Paul Christopher about software industry topics like code reviews, cloud services, AI, & more!

Date: Tue Aug 29 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Petroleum Hall, Green Center (GC PET)

ACM-E-Days Social

Description: Stop by, play board games, and hang out with CS students! As always, food will be provided.

Date: Tue Apr 11 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

ACM-E-Days Social

Description: Stop by, play board games, and hang out with CS students! As always, food will be provided.

Date: Tue Apr 11 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Webdev Workshop 4/4/23

Description: Ethan Richards will be hosting a Web Development Workshop teaching HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics, along with how to host and deploy a website to GitHub Pages for free. This is a great opportunity if you’ve ever wanted to make a personal website, a site for your portfolio/resume, or just want to learn more about web development! No experience is necessary.

Date: Tue Apr 04 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Webdev Workshop 4/4/23

Description: Ethan Richards will be hosting a Web Development Workshop teaching HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics, along with how to host and deploy a website to GitHub Pages for free. This is a great opportunity if you’ve ever wanted to make a personal website, a site for your portfolio/resume, or just want to learn more about web development! No experience is necessary.

Date: Tue Apr 04 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Tech Talk 3/28/23


Date: Tue Mar 28 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Tech Talk 3/28/23


Date: Tue Mar 28 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting & Officer Elections 3/14

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity! Also, we are holding officer elections on this day! We are still looking for people who are interested in running, so please attend! If elected, you'll be given plenty of time for the old officers to show you the ropes.

Date: Tue Mar 14 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting & Officer Elections 3/14

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity! Also, we are holding officer elections on this day! We are still looking for people who are interested in running, so please attend! If elected, you'll be given plenty of time for the old officers to show you the ropes.

Date: Tue Mar 14 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 3/2

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Mar 07 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 3/2

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Mar 07 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Innov8x Challenge with BPX Energy

Description: BPX representative, Julian Liu, will be coming to detail the problems for the challenge, and we’ll be leaving the rest of the time as an interactive workshop to start coming up with solutions. This is an opportunity to practice generating hackathon ideas, so we’d highly recommend coming with your team!

Date: Tue Feb 28 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Innov8x Challenge with BPX Energy

Description: BPX representative, Julian Liu, will be coming to detail the problems for the challenge, and we’ll be leaving the rest of the time as an interactive workshop to start coming up with solutions. This is an opportunity to practice generating hackathon ideas, so we’d highly recommend coming with your team!

Date: Tue Feb 28 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

How to Use Git LIke a Pro: Git Workshop

Description: Adjunct professor and Beeper engineer Sumner Evans will be giving a talk on “How to Use Git Like a Pro”. He will be going over what Git is, how to use it, and some more advanced tricks that will give you the confidence to use it in your own projects. We highly recommend that you attend, as git is a very powerful tool, but only if you know all that it can do! This talk will help both beginners and experienced git users.

Date: Tue Feb 14 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

How to Use Git LIke a Pro: Git Workshop

Description: Adjunct professor and Beeper engineer Sumner Evans will be giving a talk on “How to Use Git Like a Pro”. He will be going over what Git is, how to use it, and some more advanced tricks that will give you the confidence to use it in your own projects. We highly recommend that you attend, as git is a very powerful tool, but only if you know all that it can do! This talk will help both beginners and experienced git users.

Date: Tue Feb 14 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 2/7

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Feb 07 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 2/7

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Feb 07 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 1/31

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Jan 31 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 1/31

Description: Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Jan 31 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 1/24

Description: The first project meeting of the semester! Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Jan 24 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting 1/24

Description: The first project meeting of the semester! Come contribute to existing CS projects, or start your own. This is a great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Jan 24 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Tech Talk: Data, Metadata, and Systems for the Internet of Things

Description: The digitization of the built environment, made possible by the decreasing costs and growing capabilities of embedded networked sensors and actuators (i.e., the Internet of Things), has dramatically increased the availability of data about cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as buildings, power grids, water treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure. The unprecedented degree of visibility into the operation of these critical systems offers new opportunities to characterize, analyze, and ultimately automate and optimize their operation using data. Dr. Gabe Fierro from CS@Mines will discuss long-standing challenges in collecting and deriving value from IoT data, and the new data systems being built at Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to help address foundational issues in using data to make our buildings and cities more comfortable and efficient. Come learn about the importance of metadata, the surprisingly poor quality of state-of-the-art IoT deployments, and how we are applying semantic web and graph database technology to make IoT data easier to use.

Date: Tue Jan 17 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Brown Hall: BBW250

Tech Talk: Data, Metadata, and Systems for the Internet of Things

Description: The digitization of the built environment, made possible by the decreasing costs and growing capabilities of embedded networked sensors and actuators (i.e., the Internet of Things), has dramatically increased the availability of data about cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as buildings, power grids, water treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure. The unprecedented degree of visibility into the operation of these critical systems offers new opportunities to characterize, analyze, and ultimately automate and optimize their operation using data. Dr. Gabe Fierro from CS@Mines will discuss long-standing challenges in collecting and deriving value from IoT data, and the new data systems being built at Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to help address foundational issues in using data to make our buildings and cities more comfortable and efficient. Come learn about the importance of metadata, the surprisingly poor quality of state-of-the-art IoT deployments, and how we are applying semantic web and graph database technology to make IoT data easier to use.

Date: Tue Jan 17 2023 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Brown Hall: BBW250

Project Demo Day 11/29

Description: Come share/hear about CS-related projects!

Date: Tue Nov 29 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Demo Day 11/29

Description: Come share/hear about CS-related projects!

Date: Tue Nov 29 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Meeting 11/15

Description: Come contribute to existing projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Nov 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Meeting 11/15

Description: Come contribute to existing projects, or start your own. A great resume building opportunity!

Date: Tue Nov 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Tech Talk: Technical Interview Tips

Description: Lauren Brown, a senior software engineer at Google, will be discussing some technical interview tips and tricks to help you prepare for interviews to land a job.

Date: Tue Nov 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Tech Talk: Technical Interview Tips

Description: Lauren Brown, a senior software engineer at Google, will be discussing some technical interview tips and tricks to help you prepare for interviews to land a job.

Date: Tue Nov 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Tech Talk: A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer

Description: Engineers from Chevron will be discussing what it's like to work as a Software/Data Engineer in industry. Free food will be provided from Noodles and Company!

Date: Tue Nov 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Green Center: Metals Hall

Tech Talk: A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer

Description: Engineers from Chevron will be discussing what it's like to work as a Software/Data Engineer in industry. Free food will be provided from Noodles and Company!

Date: Tue Nov 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Green Center: Metals Hall

Minecraft Modding Workshop

Description: Learn how to mod Minecraft using Java! This workshop will teach you important technical skills such as how to work with an existing codebase. No prior knowledge of Java or Minecraft is required.

Date: Tue Oct 25 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Minecraft Modding Workshop

Description: Learn how to mod Minecraft using Java! This workshop will teach you important technical skills such as how to work with an existing codebase. No prior knowledge of Java or Minecraft is required.

Date: Tue Oct 25 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Soft Skills for Computer Scientists

Description: Credera, a C-MAPP sponsor, will be discussing the soft skills that make a valuable software engineer. While Mines has no doubt built up your technical skills, soft skills are just as important! Swing by to learn more.

Date: Tue Oct 11 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Soft Skills for Computer Scientists

Description: Credera, a C-MAPP sponsor, will be discussing the soft skills that make a valuable software engineer. While Mines has no doubt built up your technical skills, soft skills are just as important! Swing by to learn more.

Date: Tue Oct 11 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Meeting 10/4

Description: Hone your programming skills by contributing to a project! From projects utilizing Spotify integration to Discord APIs, there's something for everyone. Find an existing project to contribute to, get help creating your own, or just hang out with other CS students!

Date: Tue Oct 04 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Meeting 10/4

Description: Hone your programming skills by contributing to a project! From projects utilizing Spotify integration to Discord APIs, there's something for everyone. Find an existing project to contribute to, get help creating your own, or just hang out with other CS students!

Date: Tue Oct 04 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Tech Talk Tuesday: "Architecting for Scale"

Description: Software Engineer and Adjunct Professor Sumner Evans will be giving a talk titled “Architecting for Scale: A case-study in utilizing a shared architecture for infinite* scalability”.

Date: Tue Sep 27 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Tech Talk Tuesday: "Architecting for Scale"

Description: Software Engineer and Adjunct Professor Sumner Evans will be giving a talk titled “Architecting for Scale: A case-study in utilizing a shared architecture for infinite* scalability”.

Date: Tue Sep 27 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ226

Project Meeting 9/20

Description: Hone your programming skills by contributing to a project! From projects utilizing Spotify integration to Discord APIs, there's something for everyone. Find an existing project to contribute to, get help creating your own, or just hang out with other CS students!

Date: Tue Sep 20 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall MZ226

Project Meeting 9/20

Description: Hone your programming skills by contributing to a project! From projects utilizing Spotify integration to Discord APIs, there's something for everyone. Find an existing project to contribute to, get help creating your own, or just hang out with other CS students!

Date: Tue Sep 20 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall MZ226

Git Workshop

Description: Stop by to learn some git basics! Git is a very standard tool in software engineering used to track changes and for collaboration. In industry, you will need to know git, and it will be very helpful if you are working on any of our projects. For this workshop, we will give a presentation on the basics of git, and get your computer set up so that you can practice these skills yourself!

Date: Sat Sep 17 2022 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM B56

Git Workshop

Description: Stop by to learn some git basics! Git is a very standard tool in software engineering used to track changes and for collaboration. In industry, you will need to know git, and it will be very helpful if you are working on any of our projects. For this workshop, we will give a presentation on the basics of git, and get your computer set up so that you can practice these skills yourself!

Date: Sat Sep 17 2022 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM B56

Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. You can also get inspiration and ideas in the project-making process, or create a new project all-together! For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with jrrobel@mines.edu

Date: Tue Sep 13 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall - MZ226

Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. You can also get inspiration and ideas in the project-making process, or create a new project all-together! For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with jrrobel@mines.edu

Date: Tue Sep 13 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall - MZ226

ACM-W/ACM: Resume Workshop- Prepare for Career Day

Description: Getting ready for Fall Career Days? Need to get your resume looked at to be in tip-top shape? Come work on it with us! ACM-W and ACM are hosting a joint meeting to go over the best practices on resumes, major-specific advice, and more. Also, free food! For accessibility accommodations, please contact jrrobel@mines.edu

Date: Tue Sep 06 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ226

ACM-W/ACM: Resume Workshop- Prepare for Career Day

Description: Getting ready for Fall Career Days? Need to get your resume looked at to be in tip-top shape? Come work on it with us! ACM-W and ACM are hosting a joint meeting to go over the best practices on resumes, major-specific advice, and more. Also, free food! For accessibility accommodations, please contact jrrobel@mines.edu

Date: Tue Sep 06 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ226

Special Events: Yearly Hike

Description: Come join us this Saturday, September 3rd, for our yearly hike as a club! Make sure to bring water -- we'll be going up South Table

Date: Sat Sep 03 2022 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Parking Lot

Special Events: Yearly Hike

Description: Come join us this Saturday, September 3rd, for our yearly hike as a club! Make sure to bring water -- we'll be going up South Table

Date: Sat Sep 03 2022 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Parking Lot

Tech Talk Tuesday - "How to Think Like a Software Engineer"

Description: Paul Christopher and Rob Warner from Google will join us to talk about "How to Think Like a Software Engineer". Free pizza as well!

Date: Tue Aug 30 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall : MZ226

Tech Talk Tuesday - "How to Think Like a Software Engineer"

Description: Paul Christopher and Rob Warner from Google will join us to talk about "How to Think Like a Software Engineer". Free pizza as well!

Date: Tue Aug 30 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall : MZ226

Tech Talk Tuesday: "From the NAND Up: Electrical Engineering Foundations of Computing"

Description: Join us as Electrical Engineering professor Dr. Chris Coulston discusses how NAND gates are built, why NAND gates are universal gates that can compute any boolean function, and how NAND gates can be used to build memory gates. Come to learn about the electrical engineering foundation that all your software runs on! Dr. Coulston will also lead a live, hands-on demonstration on the properties of NAND gates. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 26 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Tech Talk Tuesday: "From the NAND Up: Electrical Engineering Foundations of Computing"

Description: Join us as Electrical Engineering professor Dr. Chris Coulston discusses how NAND gates are built, why NAND gates are universal gates that can compute any boolean function, and how NAND gates can be used to build memory gates. Come to learn about the electrical engineering foundation that all your software runs on! Dr. Coulston will also lead a live, hands-on demonstration on the properties of NAND gates. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 26 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Demo Day and Final Project Meeting

Description: We invite everyone to bring projects they've been working on this year and share them with the rest of the club! The rest of the meeting time will be time to work on your projects. All skill levels are welcome! Your project does not need to be done, and it could be a side project, class project, or any other kind of project you may have. For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 19 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ326

Demo Day and Final Project Meeting

Description: We invite everyone to bring projects they've been working on this year and share them with the rest of the club! The rest of the meeting time will be time to work on your projects. All skill levels are welcome! Your project does not need to be done, and it could be a side project, class project, or any other kind of project you may have. For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 19 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ326

Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 12 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ326

Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please get in touch with colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 12 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ326

Project Meeting and Deployment Mini-workshop

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! Although submitting a zip file to Canvas may be the last step for a class project, it's not the last step in industry. Deploying software is a vital component of software engineering in industry, but it isn't discussed much in classes. Come join us for a mini-workshop where we'll discuss real patterns and tools used in industry to deploy software! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 05 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Project Meeting and Deployment Mini-workshop

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! Although submitting a zip file to Canvas may be the last step for a class project, it's not the last step in industry. Deploying software is a vital component of software engineering in industry, but it isn't discussed much in classes. Come join us for a mini-workshop where we'll discuss real patterns and tools used in industry to deploy software! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Apr 05 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Uncommon Hacks Hackathon

Description: Join us as we participate in Uncommon Hacks as a club. Although the hackathon is remote, we will work on projects together in-person in Alamode! Oculus, Raspberry Pis, and other equipment will be available for participants to use as part of their hacks. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Apr 02 2022 09:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60 (Alamode)

Uncommon Hacks Hackathon

Description: Join us as we participate in Uncommon Hacks as a club. Although the hackathon is remote, we will work on projects together in-person in Alamode! Oculus, Raspberry Pis, and other equipment will be available for participants to use as part of their hacks. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Apr 02 2022 09:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60 (Alamode)

Tech Talk Tuesday: "It Depends: why you never get a straight answer regarding cyber-security"

Description: Have you ever met someone who never seems to get an answer wrong? Are you interested in a discipline on the other end of the spectrum – an area where no one is ever right? Cyber-security is a sub-discipline of computer science where there are no right answers. It is a profession in which the stakes can be frighteningly high and the best you can hope for is to be less wrong. Join us to hear from Computer Science Professor of Practice and Mines’ Interim-Chief Information Security Office Dr. Phil Romig about his experience trying to balance the confidentiality, availability, and accuracy of your data. Dr. Romig will talk about the fundamental principles that drive Mines’ Information Security program as well as some specific stories and examples of things the institution’s information security program has gotten both less-wrong and completely-wrong. It will be a chance to ask questions, understand how and why some things are the way they and even make your own suggestions on how to improve Mines’ information technology environment. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 29 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Tech Talk Tuesday: "It Depends: why you never get a straight answer regarding cyber-security"

Description: Have you ever met someone who never seems to get an answer wrong? Are you interested in a discipline on the other end of the spectrum – an area where no one is ever right? Cyber-security is a sub-discipline of computer science where there are no right answers. It is a profession in which the stakes can be frighteningly high and the best you can hope for is to be less wrong. Join us to hear from Computer Science Professor of Practice and Mines’ Interim-Chief Information Security Office Dr. Phil Romig about his experience trying to balance the confidentiality, availability, and accuracy of your data. Dr. Romig will talk about the fundamental principles that drive Mines’ Information Security program as well as some specific stories and examples of things the institution’s information security program has gotten both less-wrong and completely-wrong. It will be a chance to ask questions, understand how and why some things are the way they and even make your own suggestions on how to improve Mines’ information technology environment. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 29 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Officer Elections

Description: Come join us to vote for our officers for the 2022-2023 school year! We'll have a project meeting with any extra time after elections are complete. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Officer Elections

Description: Come join us to vote for our officers for the 2022-2023 school year! We'll have a project meeting with any extra time after elections are complete. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting and Chatbot Mini-Workshop

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. We will also be hosting a mini-workshop about developing Matrix chatbots using Python. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Project Meeting and Chatbot Mini-Workshop

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Have your own project that you're working on but need some help or just a collaborative space to work in? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. We will also be hosting a mini-workshop about developing Matrix chatbots using Python. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Mar 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Tech Talk Tuesday -- KeySpot: Designing Your Own Cloud-Based Applications

Description: KeySpot is a tool developed by Mines alumni Carl Schader to help developers store environment variables in the cloud and access them from anywhere. From backend infrastructure to frontend design, join Carl as he discusses the current industry practices for building and designing cloud-based applications, how he designed KeySpot, and how you can build your own apps using the cloud.

Date: Tue Feb 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Tech Talk Tuesday -- KeySpot: Designing Your Own Cloud-Based Applications

Description: KeySpot is a tool developed by Mines alumni Carl Schader to help developers store environment variables in the cloud and access them from anywhere. From backend infrastructure to frontend design, join Carl as he discusses the current industry practices for building and designing cloud-based applications, how he designed KeySpot, and how you can build your own apps using the cloud.

Date: Tue Feb 15 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ326

Side Project Workshop and Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to start a side project but aren't sure how? Side projects are great resume boosters that help you learn skills outside the classroom, so we'll be hosting a mini-workshop to discuss how you can successfully create your own, from developing an idea to deploying your work. The remainder of the meeting will be devoted to our typical project meeting format, where we welcome everyone to join us to work on their coding projects (whether a side project, club project, or class project), or just check out what other students are working on! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Feb 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Side Project Workshop and Project Meeting

Description: Do you want to start a side project but aren't sure how? Side projects are great resume boosters that help you learn skills outside the classroom, so we'll be hosting a mini-workshop to discuss how you can successfully create your own, from developing an idea to deploying your work. The remainder of the meeting will be devoted to our typical project meeting format, where we welcome everyone to join us to work on their coding projects (whether a side project, club project, or class project), or just check out what other students are working on! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Feb 08 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ 326

Edge Computing Using V8 Isolates

Description: Edge Computing is an emerging hybrid of cloud and distributed computing that moves information away from a single central server, and closer to the edges of the network. Edge computing reduces network latency and enables applications like IoT (internet of things) devices that consume and generate large volumes of data. Join us to learn about this exciting modern technology! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Feb 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek Building: CK150

Edge Computing Using V8 Isolates

Description: Edge Computing is an emerging hybrid of cloud and distributed computing that moves information away from a single central server, and closer to the edges of the network. Edge computing reduces network latency and enables applications like IoT (internet of things) devices that consume and generate large volumes of data. Join us to learn about this exciting modern technology! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Feb 01 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek Building: CK150

Resume Workshop

Description: The Spring career fair is right around the corner (1/26 and 2/1). Is your resume ready? Having a good resume is one of the most important aspects of getting your foot in the door with a company and landing an interview. That's why we're hosting a resume workshop! Come on in to get advice about making your resume stand out from the rest (with specific tips for CS), and an opportunity for peer resume review. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek Building: CK150

Resume Workshop

Description: The Spring career fair is right around the corner (1/26 and 2/1). Is your resume ready? Having a good resume is one of the most important aspects of getting your foot in the door with a company and landing an interview. That's why we're hosting a resume workshop! Come on in to get advice about making your resume stand out from the rest (with specific tips for CS), and an opportunity for peer resume review. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Jan 25 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CoorsTek Building: CK150

Tech Talk Tuesday: Technologists Needed in Government

Description: From the White House to the Colorado Governor's Office, technologists are needed at all levels of the public sector. Whether it's unemployment checks, housing vouchers, food stamps, or vaccination information, technology is critical to providing information and services to the public. High-quality digital services build up citizens' faith in their institutions of government. When a form is too complicated to fill out, or you have to download an old version of Adobe Acrobat to even access it, that's a problem. Matthew McAllister served in the Obama Administration for five years working on these challenges, and today he leads the Colorado Digital Service, a team created by Governor Polis to tackle some of the hardest technical challenges in the state. Learn from Matthew about how tech works (or doesn't) in the public sector, and what it's like to make it better.

Date: Tue Jan 18 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Coorstek Building: CK150

Tech Talk Tuesday: Technologists Needed in Government

Description: From the White House to the Colorado Governor's Office, technologists are needed at all levels of the public sector. Whether it's unemployment checks, housing vouchers, food stamps, or vaccination information, technology is critical to providing information and services to the public. High-quality digital services build up citizens' faith in their institutions of government. When a form is too complicated to fill out, or you have to download an old version of Adobe Acrobat to even access it, that's a problem. Matthew McAllister served in the Obama Administration for five years working on these challenges, and today he leads the Colorado Digital Service, a team created by Governor Polis to tackle some of the hardest technical challenges in the state. Learn from Matthew about how tech works (or doesn't) in the public sector, and what it's like to make it better.

Date: Tue Jan 18 2022 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Coorstek Building: CK150

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 30 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 30 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: (Meta)Data and IoT: Beyond the Smart Home

Description: Prof. Gabe Fierro from CS@Mines will discuss opportunities and challenges in collecting, analyzing, and using data from the "Internet of Things". Come learn about the importance of metadata, the surprisingly poor quality of state-of-the-art IoT deployments and the exciting work being done at Mines and NREL to enable adoption of data-driven sustainable practices. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 16 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: (Meta)Data and IoT: Beyond the Smart Home

Description: Prof. Gabe Fierro from CS@Mines will discuss opportunities and challenges in collecting, analyzing, and using data from the "Internet of Things". Come learn about the importance of metadata, the surprisingly poor quality of state-of-the-art IoT deployments and the exciting work being done at Mines and NREL to enable adoption of data-driven sustainable practices. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 16 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Blockchain 101

Description: Wendy Charles from BurstIQ will be giving a Tech Talk to ACM members on blockchain; what it is, and how it works. If you don't know what blockchain is, or are wondering how you can use it for your own projects, be sure to attend this talk! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Blockchain 101

Description: Wendy Charles from BurstIQ will be giving a Tech Talk to ACM members on blockchain; what it is, and how it works. If you don't know what blockchain is, or are wondering how you can use it for your own projects, be sure to attend this talk! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Nov 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Hack UMBC: Virtual Hackathon

Description: Interested in learning something new? Want to work with a new technology? Just want to build something? Join Hack UMBC, a virtual hackathon that ACM will be participating in! A hackathon is an event where you are given a day or so to build whatever computer science project you feel like, with judging and prizes happening at the end of the event. If you are interested, please add your name to this sheet for help organizing a team and so we know how many to expect: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1coHmpPQmdSLjU6RElPGPxpoz6vxYBgIR4F99LcSmeEc/edit?usp=sharing . Also be sure to register for the event at https://www.hackumbc.org/ . For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Fri Oct 29 2021 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60

Hack UMBC: Virtual Hackathon

Description: Interested in learning something new? Want to work with a new technology? Just want to build something? Join Hack UMBC, a virtual hackathon that ACM will be participating in! A hackathon is an event where you are given a day or so to build whatever computer science project you feel like, with judging and prizes happening at the end of the event. If you are interested, please add your name to this sheet for help organizing a team and so we know how many to expect: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1coHmpPQmdSLjU6RElPGPxpoz6vxYBgIR4F99LcSmeEc/edit?usp=sharing . Also be sure to register for the event at https://www.hackumbc.org/ . For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Fri Oct 29 2021 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60

Open Source Project Meeting 10-26-2021

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 26 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting 10-26-2021

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 26 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: How to Start a Startup

Description: Are you interested in being an entrepreneur in the tech industry, but don't know where to start? In this exciting tech talk, Austin Hallock, CEO and Founder of Spore will talk about his experience building startups and raising money from investors, coming from a technical background. This will be a great opportunity to learn and build a skillset that isn't taught in technical classes. We hope to see you there! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 12 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: How to Start a Startup

Description: Are you interested in being an entrepreneur in the tech industry, but don't know where to start? In this exciting tech talk, Austin Hallock, CEO and Founder of Spore will talk about his experience building startups and raising money from investors, coming from a technical background. This will be a great opportunity to learn and build a skillset that isn't taught in technical classes. We hope to see you there! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 12 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 05 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Oct 05 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Software and Soft skills

Description: Software engineers have to juggle many tasks. While technical knowledge is important, it's just as (or even more!) important to be able to work with others effectively. This requires good communication and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to understand what the client truly wants, rather than what they say they want. As a software consulting firm, Credera understands these concepts very well. In this tech talk presented by software engineers at Credera, we will be talking about the importance of these "soft skills" in detail, showing where/how these concepts are utilized in industry, and giving you the information you need to be a better and more well-rounded software developer. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 28 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Software and Soft skills

Description: Software engineers have to juggle many tasks. While technical knowledge is important, it's just as (or even more!) important to be able to work with others effectively. This requires good communication and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to understand what the client truly wants, rather than what they say they want. As a software consulting firm, Credera understands these concepts very well. In this tech talk presented by software engineers at Credera, we will be talking about the importance of these "soft skills" in detail, showing where/how these concepts are utilized in industry, and giving you the information you need to be a better and more well-rounded software developer. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 28 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 21 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! We welcome all skill levels. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 21 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Git Workshop

Description: Interested in learning about Git? Git is a version control software that can keep track of your files and the changes that occur within them. This makes it an invaluable software for programmers, as multiple contributors can keep track of each other's changes and revert code to specific points in time. In this workshop, we will introduce Git, how to install/use it, and talk about the underlying concepts behind the software. If you plan on a career in software engineering or a related field, you will undoubtedly use Git at some point, so we encourage you to take this opportunity to learn about it! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Sep 18 2021 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60

Git Workshop

Description: Interested in learning about Git? Git is a version control software that can keep track of your files and the changes that occur within them. This makes it an invaluable software for programmers, as multiple contributors can keep track of each other's changes and revert code to specific points in time. In this workshop, we will introduce Git, how to install/use it, and talk about the underlying concepts behind the software. If you plan on a career in software engineering or a related field, you will undoubtedly use Git at some point, so we encourage you to take this opportunity to learn about it! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Sep 18 2021 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Building: CT B60

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! This will be our first project meeting of the semester, meaning that it will be entirely focused on introducing our projects, as well as getting you set up to work on the one you choose. We welcome all skill levels. And if nothing suits your fancy? This is the best time to pitch your own ideas for open source projects; we happily encourage new proposals! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 14 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Open Source Project Meeting

Description: Want to apply some of your classroom skills to developing for student-led open source projects? Come to our open source project meetings! This will be our first project meeting of the semester, meaning that it will be entirely focused on introducing our projects, as well as getting you set up to work on the one you choose. We welcome all skill levels. And if nothing suits your fancy? This is the best time to pitch your own ideas for open source projects; we happily encourage new proposals! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 14 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Resume Workshop

Description: The fall career day is right around the corner (9/14). Is your resume ready? Having a good resume is one of the most important aspects of getting your foot in the door with a company and landing an interview. That's why we've teamed up with ACM-W to host a resume workshop! Come on in to get one-on-one help with resume reviews, as well as share ideas on how to make your resume stand out from the rest. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 07 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

Resume Workshop

Description: The fall career day is right around the corner (9/14). Is your resume ready? Having a good resume is one of the most important aspects of getting your foot in the door with a company and landing an interview. That's why we've teamed up with ACM-W to host a resume workshop! Come on in to get one-on-one help with resume reviews, as well as share ideas on how to make your resume stand out from the rest. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Sep 07 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Marquez Hall: MZ335

South Table Hike

Description: Come join ACM, ACM-W, and the Linux Users' Group on a hike up South Table Mountain! Meet other students who are interested in Computer Science, and enjoy the views. Please bring your own water and sunscreen! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Sep 04 2021 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Plaza

South Table Hike

Description: Come join ACM, ACM-W, and the Linux Users' Group on a hike up South Table Mountain! Meet other students who are interested in Computer Science, and enjoy the views. Please bring your own water and sunscreen! For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Sat Sep 04 2021 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM Plaza

Tech Talk Tuesday: Sumner Evans from Beeper

Description: Pioneering advances in open source and decentralized communication, the Matrix (https://matrix.org) protocol is a decentralized means of sending text, images, and files over encrypted connections. Its open source and developer-friendly nature also gives it the great potential to tie into many different chat services, from Discord to Slack. Built on top of Matrix, Beeper (https://www.beeper.com) strives to be one communication app that you use to talk to all of your colleagues, no matter the platform they use. To kick off this semester, Sumner Evans will be giving a Tech Talk on this exciting technology that he is actively working with, as well as some of the visions that Beeper has for the future. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Aug 31 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Brown Hall: BBW250

Tech Talk Tuesday: Sumner Evans from Beeper

Description: Pioneering advances in open source and decentralized communication, the Matrix (https://matrix.org) protocol is a decentralized means of sending text, images, and files over encrypted connections. Its open source and developer-friendly nature also gives it the great potential to tie into many different chat services, from Discord to Slack. Built on top of Matrix, Beeper (https://www.beeper.com) strives to be one communication app that you use to talk to all of your colleagues, no matter the platform they use. To kick off this semester, Sumner Evans will be giving a Tech Talk on this exciting technology that he is actively working with, as well as some of the visions that Beeper has for the future. For accessibility accommodations please contact colinsiles@mines.edu.

Date: Tue Aug 31 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Brown Hall: BBW250

Terminal Workshop

Description: This Tuesday at 6pm, we'll be hosting a workshop on the basics of a terminal. We'll go over how to set up a Bash shell on your Windows 10 computer, how to interact with files and programs, and some of the other cool things you can do from a terminal.

Date: Tue Apr 27 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Terminal Workshop

Description: This Tuesday at 6pm, we'll be hosting a workshop on the basics of a terminal. We'll go over how to set up a Bash shell on your Windows 10 computer, how to interact with files and programs, and some of the other cool things you can do from a terminal.

Date: Tue Apr 27 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting


Date: Tue Apr 20 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting


Date: Tue Apr 20 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Growing your Developer Toolbox : Cloud Fundamentals


Date: Tue Apr 06 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Growing your Developer Toolbox : Cloud Fundamentals


Date: Tue Apr 06 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting and Elections 3/23/2021


Date: Tue Mar 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting and Elections 3/23/2021


Date: Tue Mar 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Technical Interview Workshop


Date: Tue Mar 16 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Technical Interview Workshop


Date: Tue Mar 16 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 3/9/2021

Description: Come join us in our Project Meetings where we work on very fun open-source projects!

Date: Tue Mar 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 3/9/2021

Description: Come join us in our Project Meetings where we work on very fun open-source projects!

Date: Tue Mar 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Network switch software: Looking under the hood

Description: Kartik Chandran from Arista will be discussing what a network switch does and how software and hardware engineering combine to create reliable, high performance networks.

Date: Tue Mar 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Network switch software: Looking under the hood

Description: Kartik Chandran from Arista will be discussing what a network switch does and how software and hardware engineering combine to create reliable, high performance networks.

Date: Tue Mar 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Software Engineering Consultant


Date: Tue Feb 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Software Engineering Consultant


Date: Tue Feb 23 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Current Trends in Modern ML/AI

Description: Data science (or ML: Machine Learning) has undergone explosive growth in the last decade. In this talk, we will discuss a list of problems that modern data science can help to solve, with emphasis on IoT applications.

Date: Tue Feb 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Current Trends in Modern ML/AI

Description: Data science (or ML: Machine Learning) has undergone explosive growth in the last decade. In this talk, we will discuss a list of problems that modern data science can help to solve, with emphasis on IoT applications.

Date: Tue Feb 09 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Network switch software: Looking under the hood

Description: Kartik Chandran from Arista will be discussing what a network switch does and how software and hardware engineering combine to create reliable, high performance networks.

Date: Tue Feb 02 2021 22:02:41 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Network switch software: Looking under the hood

Description: Kartik Chandran from Arista will be discussing what a network switch does and how software and hardware engineering combine to create reliable, high performance networks.

Date: Tue Feb 02 2021 22:02:41 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 2/2/2021


Date: Tue Feb 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 2/2/2021


Date: Tue Feb 02 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Life of a Data Engineer

Description: Nathan Thompson, a technical lead for Data Engineering in the Surface Platform at Chevron, will be talking about data engineering as a potential career. including what it is and the type of work that data engineers do.

Date: Tue Jan 26 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Life of a Data Engineer

Description: Nathan Thompson, a technical lead for Data Engineering in the Surface Platform at Chevron, will be talking about data engineering as a potential career. including what it is and the type of work that data engineers do.

Date: Tue Jan 26 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 1/19/2021


Date: Tue Jan 19 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting 1/19/2021


Date: Tue Jan 19 2021 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Work on HSPC problems


Date: Tue Dec 08 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Work on HSPC problems


Date: Tue Dec 08 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk - Salesforce Architecture

Description: Salesforce is a rapidly growing company. This presentation takes a look at the Core Salesforce CRM [Customer relationship management] Architecture. Today, Salesforce as a company is composed of a lot of acquired companies. Each company comes with its own architecture. However, the original CRM architecture is what this presentation will focus on as it is still the primary business for Salesforce and one of the biggest clouds.

Date: Tue Dec 01 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk - Salesforce Architecture

Description: Salesforce is a rapidly growing company. This presentation takes a look at the Core Salesforce CRM [Customer relationship management] Architecture. Today, Salesforce as a company is composed of a lot of acquired companies. Each company comes with its own architecture. However, the original CRM architecture is what this presentation will focus on as it is still the primary business for Salesforce and one of the biggest clouds.

Date: Tue Dec 01 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Talk about HSPC


Date: Tue Nov 24 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Talk about HSPC


Date: Tue Nov 24 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

20+ Years in Open Source Software

Description: In this talk, Scott Long shares his career path as a software engineer working on Open Source Software, his experiences at Yahoo, Netflix, and other companies, and how to make a living doing something that you are passionate about.

Date: Tue Nov 17 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

20+ Years in Open Source Software

Description: In this talk, Scott Long shares his career path as a software engineer working on Open Source Software, his experiences at Yahoo, Netflix, and other companies, and how to make a living doing something that you are passionate about.

Date: Tue Nov 17 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting - 11/10/2020


Date: Tue Nov 10 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting - 11/10/2020


Date: Tue Nov 10 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk - Clean Code by Anthony Nicolosi

Description: This talk will cover how a team at CACI turned a debt filled codebase into one of their best products.

Date: Tue Nov 03 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk - Clean Code by Anthony Nicolosi

Description: This talk will cover how a team at CACI turned a debt filled codebase into one of their best products.

Date: Tue Nov 03 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) for Detecting Threats in Network Traffic Presentation by Rich Welch.

Description: This talk will look at using deep packet inspection (DPI) to identify network traffic as well as look for threats within that traffic. We'll look at examples of both standard enterprise protocols and industrial protocols. In each case, we'll discuss an identification strategy, how to best model this traffic for threat analysis, and finally strategies for analyzing the traffic.

Date: Tue Oct 27 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) for Detecting Threats in Network Traffic Presentation by Rich Welch.

Description: This talk will look at using deep packet inspection (DPI) to identify network traffic as well as look for threats within that traffic. We'll look at examples of both standard enterprise protocols and industrial protocols. In each case, we'll discuss an identification strategy, how to best model this traffic for threat analysis, and finally strategies for analyzing the traffic.

Date: Tue Oct 27 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

ACM Project Meeting


Date: Tue Oct 13 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

ACM Project Meeting


Date: Tue Oct 13 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk Tuesday | GitLab CICD: Integration Testing with Docker

Description: Join us for a talk given by Sam Warfield from Fanatics, Inc. on GitLab! (Part 2)

Date: Tue Oct 06 2020 04:03:08 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk Tuesday | GitLab CICD: Integration Testing with Docker

Description: Join us for a talk given by Sam Warfield from Fanatics, Inc. on GitLab! (Part 2)

Date: Tue Oct 06 2020 04:03:08 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

ACM Project Meeting 9/29/2020

Description: In this meeting, we work together on open source projects. Whether you want to work on an open source project or just want to hang out with other ACM members, you are always welcome to join us!

Date: Tue Sep 29 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

ACM Project Meeting 9/29/2020

Description: In this meeting, we work together on open source projects. Whether you want to work on an open source project or just want to hang out with other ACM members, you are always welcome to join us!

Date: Tue Sep 29 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk Tuesday | GitLab CICD: What is it? How to use it?

Description: Join us for a talk given by Sam Warfield from Fanatics, Inc. on GitLab!

Date: Tue Sep 22 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Tech Talk Tuesday | GitLab CICD: What is it? How to use it?

Description: Join us for a talk given by Sam Warfield from Fanatics, Inc. on GitLab!

Date: Tue Sep 22 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting

Description: Join us for our second Project meeting!

Date: Tue Sep 15 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Project Meeting

Description: Join us for our second Project meeting!

Date: Tue Sep 15 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Git Workshop

Description: Join us to learn about what Git is and how this industry standard tool can help you in school and beyond.

Date: Sat Sep 12 2020 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

Git Workshop

Description: Join us to learn about what Git is and how this industry standard tool can help you in school and beyond.

Date: Sat Sep 12 2020 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: https://mines.zoom.us/j/97757666624?pwd=cGJ1U0hIQUF6QXFKR0VkV1pDSEtldz09

First Project Meeting

Description: Join ACM for our first project meeting. You'll have the chance to get to know some other members and see what the projects are like that you can work on. Don't worry if you're coming in without much experience; we've got multiple projects available for different skill levels.

Date: Tue Sep 08 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Zoom link shared on mailing list

First Project Meeting

Description: Join ACM for our first project meeting. You'll have the chance to get to know some other members and see what the projects are like that you can work on. Don't worry if you're coming in without much experience; we've got multiple projects available for different skill levels.

Date: Tue Sep 08 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Zoom link shared on mailing list

ACM Meeting - Tech Talk 9/1/2020

Description: ACM first meeting for Fall20 which will have a tech talk.

Date: Tue Sep 01 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CO 219 also on Zoom (Join the mailing list at acm.mines.edu/mailinglist to receive the link).

ACM Meeting - Tech Talk 9/1/2020

Description: ACM first meeting for Fall20 which will have a tech talk.

Date: Tue Sep 01 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CO 219 also on Zoom (Join the mailing list at acm.mines.edu/mailinglist to receive the link).

Tech Talk Tuesday


Date: Tue Apr 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday


Date: Tue Apr 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 4/14

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Apr 14 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 4/14

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Apr 14 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Drew DeVault


Date: Tue Apr 07 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

Tech Talk Tuesday: Drew DeVault


Date: Tue Apr 07 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

Project Meeting 3/10

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Mar 10 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 3/10

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Mar 10 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Modernizing Legacy Applications

Description: Jerrod Crook from Tyler Tech is giving ACM advice on how to best approach rewriting legacy software

Date: Tue Mar 03 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Modernizing Legacy Applications

Description: Jerrod Crook from Tyler Tech is giving ACM advice on how to best approach rewriting legacy software

Date: Tue Mar 03 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 2/25

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 2/25

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Chrome O.S. and Verified Boot

Description: Come learn from a Google engineer how Chrome O.S. ensures only verified software is allowed to boot your Chromebook!

Date: Tue Feb 11 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Chrome O.S. and Verified Boot

Description: Come learn from a Google engineer how Chrome O.S. ensures only verified software is allowed to boot your Chromebook!

Date: Tue Feb 11 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 2/4

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Feb 04 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting 2/4

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Feb 04 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: System76

Description: Engineers from `System76 <https://system76.com/>`_ will be giving ACM a demo of debugging open-source firmware on their laptops.

Date: Tue Jan 28 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: System76

Description: Engineers from `System76 <https://system76.com/>`_ will be giving ACM a demo of debugging open-source firmware on their laptops.

Date: Tue Jan 28 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk: Matthew Hodgson

Description: Join us as Matthew Hodgson, technical co-founder of the `Matrix <https://matrix.org/>`_ chat protocol, gives us a sneak preview of all the peer-to-peer (p2p) work that's been done with Matrix as it shifts to be a hybrid client/server and p2p chat network!

Date: Fri Jan 24 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk: Matthew Hodgson

Description: Join us as Matthew Hodgson, technical co-founder of the `Matrix <https://matrix.org/>`_ chat protocol, gives us a sneak preview of all the peer-to-peer (p2p) work that's been done with Matrix as it shifts to be a hybrid client/server and p2p chat network!

Date: Fri Jan 24 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Jan 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Meeting

Description: work on open-source projects with us!

Date: Tue Jan 21 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: FAST


Date: Tue Jan 14 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: FAST


Date: Tue Jan 14 2020 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Tech Talk Tuesday: Trade Desk


Date: Tue Nov 19 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tech Talk Tuesday: Trade Desk


Date: Tue Nov 19 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tech Talk Tuesday: FreeBSD Foundation


Date: Tue Nov 12 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tech Talk Tuesday: FreeBSD Foundation


Date: Tue Nov 12 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Nov 05 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Nov 05 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Oct 22 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Oct 22 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tech Talk Tuesday: NSA

Description: David Stuart from the NSA will talk about how the NSA uses Jupyter Notebooks, a tool to organize and analyze Python computations.

Date: Tue Oct 08 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tech Talk Tuesday: NSA

Description: David Stuart from the NSA will talk about how the NSA uses Jupyter Notebooks, a tool to organize and analyze Python computations.

Date: Tue Oct 08 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Come work on open-source projects!

Date: Tue Oct 01 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Come work on open-source projects!

Date: Tue Oct 01 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Come work on open source projects with us!

Date: Tue Sep 24 2019 17:53:56 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting

Description: Come work on open source projects with us!

Date: Tue Sep 24 2019 17:53:56 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting 09/17

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Sep 17 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Meeting 09/17

Description: Join us to work on open source projects!

Date: Tue Sep 17 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

BP Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Brianna Hemeyer-Taylor will visit us to talk about "Optimization: To Parallelize or Not To Parallelize?"

Date: Tue Sep 10 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

BP Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Brianna Hemeyer-Taylor will visit us to talk about "Optimization: To Parallelize or Not To Parallelize?"

Date: Tue Sep 10 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Git Workshop

Description: Learn about Git!

Date: Sat Sep 07 2019 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE lab (BB 136)

Git Workshop

Description: Learn about Git!

Date: Sat Sep 07 2019 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE lab (BB 136)

Project Intro Meeting

Description: Discover what projects ACM will be working on this semester, and get involved with one!

Date: Tue Sep 03 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Project Intro Meeting

Description: Discover what projects ACM will be working on this semester, and get involved with one!

Date: Tue Sep 03 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Hike South Table

Description: Hike South Table with us and get to know your fellow ACM members!

Date: Sat Aug 31 2019 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Meet in Marquez Plaza

Hike South Table

Description: Hike South Table with us and get to know your fellow ACM members!

Date: Sat Aug 31 2019 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Meet in Marquez Plaza

Google Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Join us for our first event of the semester. Paul Christopher will be visiting us to talk about designing large scale, reliable systems.

Date: Tue Aug 27 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Google Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Join us for our first event of the semester. Paul Christopher will be visiting us to talk about designing large scale, reliable systems.

Date: Tue Aug 27 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Kenzan Microservices Tech Talk

Description: Andrea Benefiel will be giving a talk on how Kenzan uses Microservices in their company.

Date: Mon Apr 22 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Kenzan Microservices Tech Talk

Description: Andrea Benefiel will be giving a talk on how Kenzan uses Microservices in their company.

Date: Mon Apr 22 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Open Source Project Meeting


Date: Mon Apr 08 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Open Source Project Meeting


Date: Mon Apr 08 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Fast Tech Talk Monday


Date: Mon Apr 01 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Fast Tech Talk Monday


Date: Mon Apr 01 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

ALAMODE Cleanup Party!

Description: ALAMODE is getting pretty messy. We are going to clean it up! If you have cleaning supplies, bring them!

Date: Tue Mar 19 2019 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE (BB 136)

ALAMODE Cleanup Party!

Description: ALAMODE is getting pretty messy. We are going to clean it up! If you have cleaning supplies, bring them!

Date: Tue Mar 19 2019 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE (BB 136)

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Mon Mar 18 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Mon Mar 18 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Sopris Health Tech Talk

Description: Patrick Leonard will be speaking about the intersection of AI and healthcare in a talk titled *Voice and A.I. in healthcare - what NOT to do*.

Date: Mon Mar 11 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Sopris Health Tech Talk

Description: Patrick Leonard will be speaking about the intersection of AI and healthcare in a talk titled *Voice and A.I. in healthcare - what NOT to do*.

Date: Mon Mar 11 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Mar 04 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Mar 04 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Feb 25 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Feb 25 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Xilinx Tech Talk


Date: Mon Feb 11 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Xilinx Tech Talk


Date: Mon Feb 11 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Feb 04 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Meeting


Date: Mon Feb 04 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Google - Tech Talk Monday

Description: Paul Christopher will be talking about how to write good code with a focus on semantic compression.

Date: Mon Jan 28 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Google - Tech Talk Monday

Description: Paul Christopher will be talking about how to write good code with a focus on semantic compression.

Date: Mon Jan 28 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

C-MAPP Party


Date: Thu Jan 17 2019 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Student Center Grand Ballroom

C-MAPP Party


Date: Thu Jan 17 2019 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Student Center Grand Ballroom

Open Source Projects Meetup

Description: C-MAPP preparation!

Date: Mon Jan 14 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Open Source Projects Meetup

Description: C-MAPP preparation!

Date: Mon Jan 14 2019 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 150

Project Hack Day

Description: Come work on projects in preparation for C-MAPP! (Come for as much or as little as you want.)

Date: Sat Jan 12 2019 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE

Project Hack Day

Description: Come work on projects in preparation for C-MAPP! (Come for as much or as little as you want.)

Date: Sat Jan 12 2019 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 26 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 26 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 19 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 19 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

ICPC Solution Presentation


Date: Mon Nov 19 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

ICPC Solution Presentation


Date: Mon Nov 19 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

Project Hack Day

Description: Join us for an informal project hack day! Come for as long as you want.

Date: Sat Nov 17 2018 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE

Project Hack Day

Description: Join us for an informal project hack day! Come for as long as you want.

Date: Sat Nov 17 2018 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE

Tech Talk Monday - Gogo Business Aviation

Description: Topic: Use of Embedded Systems to Connect Airplanes in an Aviation IoT Environment: A 30,000’ View

Date: Mon Nov 12 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

Tech Talk Monday - Gogo Business Aviation

Description: Topic: Use of Embedded Systems to Connect Airplanes in an Aviation IoT Environment: A 30,000’ View

Date: Mon Nov 12 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 05 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Nov 05 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ICPC Practice Session


Date: Tue Oct 30 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE (BB 136)

ICPC Practice Session


Date: Tue Oct 30 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: ALAMODE (BB 136)

Tech Talk Monday - Uber

Description: Taehun Yoon will be giving a talk about structure from motion.

Date: Mon Oct 29 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Tech Talk Monday - Uber

Description: Taehun Yoon will be giving a talk about structure from motion.

Date: Mon Oct 29 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Oct 22 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Oct 22 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB 125

Tech Talk Monday - Pivotal

Description: Eric Dattore will be giving a talk on how applications are deployed in the real world.

Date: Mon Oct 08 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

Tech Talk Monday - Pivotal

Description: Eric Dattore will be giving a talk on how applications are deployed in the real world.

Date: Mon Oct 08 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 326

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Oct 01 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Oct 01 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Tech Talk Monday - Oppenheimer Funds

Description: Carl Jaeger & BJ Collins will be giving a talk about iterative development with a case study in Vue.js.

Date: Mon Sep 24 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Tech Talk Monday - Oppenheimer Funds

Description: Carl Jaeger & BJ Collins will be giving a talk about iterative development with a case study in Vue.js.

Date: Mon Sep 24 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Tyler Technologies 2018 Coding Competition


Date: Sat Sep 22 2018 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 026 & MZ 022

Tyler Technologies 2018 Coding Competition


Date: Sat Sep 22 2018 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 026 & MZ 022

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Sep 17 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Mon Sep 17 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC)

Description: Dr. Paone will be holding an informational session about the ACM ICPC. Programmers of **all** skill levels are encouraged to participate.

Date: Mon Sep 17 2018 17:30:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC)

Description: Dr. Paone will be holding an informational session about the ACM ICPC. Programmers of **all** skill levels are encouraged to participate.

Date: Mon Sep 17 2018 17:30:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 335

Project Pitches and Project Fair


Date: Mon Sep 10 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Project Pitches and Project Fair


Date: Mon Sep 10 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Hike up South Table


Date: Sun Sep 09 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Outside Marquez

Hike up South Table


Date: Sun Sep 09 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Outside Marquez

C-MAPP: Google Resume Tips


Date: Thu Sep 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM 102

C-MAPP: Google Resume Tips


Date: Thu Sep 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CTLM 102

Tech Talk Monday - Google

Description: Paul Christopher will be giving a talk about distributed systems and datacenter setups.

Date: Mon Aug 27 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Tech Talk Monday - Google

Description: Paul Christopher will be giving a talk about distributed systems and datacenter setups.

Date: Mon Aug 27 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Celebration of Mines

Description: Come meet us for Celebration of Mines! Look for the stickers and a lot of computers!

Date: Fri Aug 24 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: North IM Field

Celebration of Mines

Description: Come meet us for Celebration of Mines! Look for the stickers and a lot of computers!

Date: Fri Aug 24 2018 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: North IM Field

NSA - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Alyssa Gottshall will be presenting on post quantum cryptography.

Date: Tue Apr 24 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

NSA - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Alyssa Gottshall will be presenting on post quantum cryptography.

Date: Tue Apr 24 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 17 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 17 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 10 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 10 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 03 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Apr 03 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Exploring Common Lisp

Description: Sam W, Adam, and Billy will be sharing on the Common Lisp programming language.

Date: Tue Mar 20 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Exploring Common Lisp

Description: Sam W, Adam, and Billy will be sharing on the Common Lisp programming language.

Date: Tue Mar 20 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tyler Tech - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Test Driven Development in an Agile Environment

Date: Tue Mar 13 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Tyler Tech - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Test Driven Development in an Agile Environment

Date: Tue Mar 13 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Mar 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Mar 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Google - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Paul Christopher will be presenting about how to write quality code.

Date: Tue Feb 27 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Google - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Paul Christopher will be presenting about how to write quality code.

Date: Tue Feb 27 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB W280

Nasdaq - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Taylan Dillion will be giving a presentation.

Date: Tue Feb 13 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Nasdaq - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Taylan Dillion will be giving a presentation.

Date: Tue Feb 13 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Feb 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Feb 06 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Gogo - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Mike, Sada, Brian, and Doug will be presenting on AWS, Docker, Microservices, Java 8, and React.

Date: Tue Jan 30 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Gogo - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Mike, Sada, Brian, and Doug will be presenting on AWS, Docker, Microservices, Java 8, and React.

Date: Tue Jan 30 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Jan 23 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Jan 23 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

C-MAPP Annual Party & Award Event


Date: Thu Jan 18 2018 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Student Center Grand Ballroom

C-MAPP Annual Party & Award Event


Date: Thu Jan 18 2018 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: Student Center Grand Ballroom

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Jan 16 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

Open Source Project Meetup


Date: Tue Jan 16 2018 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: CK 140

ListenMD - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Patrick Leonard will giving a tech talk about startups and machine learning

Date: Tue Nov 28 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ListenMD - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Patrick Leonard will giving a tech talk about startups and machine learning

Date: Tue Nov 28 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Kenzan - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Bill Schwanitz will giving a tech talk about microservice architectures

Date: Tue Nov 14 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Kenzan - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Bill Schwanitz will giving a tech talk about microservice architectures

Date: Tue Nov 14 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ACM ICPC Rocky Mountain Regional Competition

Description: Mines will be hosting a site for the programming competition. More details [here](/icpc).

Date: Sat Nov 11 2017 10:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 316A & 316B

ACM ICPC Rocky Mountain Regional Competition

Description: Mines will be hosting a site for the programming competition. More details [here](/icpc).

Date: Sat Nov 11 2017 10:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 316A & 316B

ACM ICPC Official Practice Session

Description: Practice for the programming competition with your team. Pizza provided.

Date: Fri Nov 10 2017 19:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 316A & 316B

ACM ICPC Official Practice Session

Description: Practice for the programming competition with your team. Pizza provided.

Date: Fri Nov 10 2017 19:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: BB 316A & 316B

ICPC Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Nov 07 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ICPC Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Nov 07 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Oct 31 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Oct 31 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

CCIT Cyber Security Awareness Presentation

Description: Come hear about cyber security, have a late afternoon snack, and win free prizes! [More information here.](http://ccit.mines.edu/Security-Awareness-Presentation-October-31st-2017)

Date: Tue Oct 31 2017 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

CCIT Cyber Security Awareness Presentation

Description: Come hear about cyber security, have a late afternoon snack, and win free prizes! [More information here.](http://ccit.mines.edu/Security-Awareness-Presentation-October-31st-2017)

Date: Tue Oct 31 2017 16:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

ACM ICPC Information Session

Description: Dr. Paone and CPW are holding an info meeting about the ACM ICPC.

Date: Wed Oct 25 2017 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W250

ACM ICPC Information Session

Description: Dr. Paone and CPW are holding an info meeting about the ACM ICPC.

Date: Wed Oct 25 2017 17:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BB W250

Alarm.com - Tech Talk Tuesday - Dropping the “Home” in Homework

Description: Kameron Kincade and Kolten Robison will be giving a tech talk about transitioning from a student to a software engineer.

Date: Tue Oct 24 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Alarm.com - Tech Talk Tuesday - Dropping the “Home” in Homework

Description: Kameron Kincade and Kolten Robison will be giving a tech talk about transitioning from a student to a software engineer.

Date: Tue Oct 24 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Oct 10 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Oct 10 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

System76 - Tech Talk Tuesday - Do One Thing, And Do It Well

Description: James, Ben, and Emma will be giving a Tech Talk about providing value in the Open Source community

Date: Tue Oct 03 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

System76 - Tech Talk Tuesday - Do One Thing, And Do It Well

Description: James, Ben, and Emma will be giving a Tech Talk about providing value in the Open Source community

Date: Tue Oct 03 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Sep 26 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Sep 26 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Coffee/Tea with Mozilla folks

Description: Please see [this](https://acm.mines.edu/mailinglist/message/%3C6b35d4cd-7dc2-eb76-a613-3a088ce5796e@mines.edu%3E.html) email on how to sign up.

Date: Tue Sep 26 2017 08:30:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Higher Grounds

Coffee/Tea with Mozilla folks

Description: Please see [this](https://acm.mines.edu/mailinglist/message/%3C6b35d4cd-7dc2-eb76-a613-3a088ce5796e@mines.edu%3E.html) email on how to sign up.

Date: Tue Sep 26 2017 08:30:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: Higher Grounds

FAST - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Tyler Rust from FAST will be giving a Tech Talk

Date: Tue Sep 19 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

FAST - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Tyler Rust from FAST will be giving a Tech Talk

Date: Tue Sep 19 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Sep 12 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Open Source Projects & Programming Competition Practice Meetup


Date: Tue Sep 12 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Google - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Paul Christopher will give a tech talk about how modern online services are built

Date: Tue Sep 05 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Google - Tech Talk Tuesday

Description: Paul Christopher will give a tech talk about how modern online services are built

Date: Tue Sep 05 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: MZ 126

Welcome to ACM

Description: Come to learn about our club at our first meeting of the semester.

Date: Tue Aug 29 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BE 205

Welcome to ACM

Description: Come to learn about our club at our first meeting of the semester.

Date: Tue Aug 29 2017 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time),3600000

Location: BE 205